
Please Call us at 204-989-6503 to book your appointment

Anyone can register for services at OVRC, regardless of age, employment status, educational standing, and so on.

This registration form will give us enough information to suggest services that may be useful to you.

Registration Benefits

We are funded by Workforce Training and Employment Division / Economic Development and Jobs Department and Youth Partnerships, so we are able to offer many free services. As a registered client, you receive:

  • Resume and Cover Letter Development
  • Career Counselling
  • LinkedIn Development and Pre Employment Workshops
  • Access to the eleven public access computers in our Centre with your own personal free account
  • Access to printing and photocopying of resumes and cover letters and/or employment related documents

Note: A SIN Number is required for our Provincial Funding Requirements.

Late / Cancellation / No Show Policy

We understand that your time is valuable, and so is ours.

Looking for work is a serious endeavor, and we respect that - and so should you.

When your appointment is scheduled, we ask you to come fifteen minutes early if you are a new client. We need you to fill in the registration form (including your SIN) and complete any pre-appointment requirements so you and your employment specialist are ready to make the most of your time here.

Whether you are a new or existing client, we have a fifteen (15) minute late policy. Appointments are typically only ninety minutes in length, and arriving late (especially if we have to register you) means it is not possible to provide you with the level of quality service OVRC is recognized for.

You are receiving a free service and the expectation is on you to plan ahead to be here on time. If you are more than fifteen minutes late, we will have to reschedule you.

Similarly, if you cannot make your scheduled appointment, please let us know as soon as possible, preferably at least the day before or when we reach out to confirm your appointment. Cancellations made less than four hours in advance are considered a no show. If you have two no shows for appointments, we reserve the right to deny services, based on the situation.

Please, help us help you. We want to make sure we are being fair to everyone, and very clear about our policies and why they exist, to prevent confusion and misunderstandings.

Thank you for choosing Osborne Village Resource Centre for your job search needs.

We’ve helped over 400 people find meaningful employment

Every year…for twenty five years

Ready to start?


Client Testimonial

I want to share that I had a very positive experience with the OVRC. I hope these words below express it. From meeting with a professional who helped me to think about my career path and how to view and communicate who I was to another professional who met with me with much patience to do a similar process but applied to my resume and then worked to express that adequately in not one, but two different resume profiles, to the staff of the OVRC, that was welcoming and professional on the occasions I visited in person or had the first contact, or wanted to make an appointment.

We tend to think of ourselves for what we do. And when we are in a stage of change of career path, we have a blurry image of ourselves. The skill, art, and humane qualities of the OVRC professionals allow them to see through the blur and give us back a clear reflection of who we are and who we can become.

Unit 1 – 107 Osborne St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3L 1Y4
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