Job search is kind of a downer when you’re not getting the results you hoped for as fast as you expected. Learn some simple self-care tools and daily practices to stay on top of job search frustration. Understand why negativity bias exists and is triggered by looking for work.

What Clients Are Saying

  • Great tools and reminders of why I need to be positive I will use this as a resource.
  • Very well organized and presented the facilitator very well versed and experienced in this subject and field.
  • Gives a ton of good positivity info for those who may not know where to start.
  • Yes, to see people with the same hopes and fears made me feel better.
  • Yes it was a very helpful workshop to reinforce my tools I am currently using.
  • Connected well with the group used personal stories to make a positive point.
  • Well done highly encouraging / I was skeptical about attending and this really helped me – Thank You.
  • It is a great eye opener and leads to breaking through barriers in job search.
  • OVRC has an excellent grasp of how someone looking for employment is feeling and what they need to do to secure employment. This Positivity Workshop filled the touchy feely emotions that I am experiencing.
  • It made me more aware of my self-talk, negative, and self-defeating thoughts about my abilities and skills, and to be more open and kind about my capabilities and what I have to offer.
  • There was so much quality material presented! I loved how the facilitator listed the extensive sources & resources she used to develop the workshop.
  • Setting goals that are specific! Understanding how to take what I want and translate it into meaningful and tangible things.

We’ve helped over 400 people find meaningful employment

Every year…for twenty five years

Ready to start?


Client Testimonial

As always, the ORC teachers were Friendly, Honest and showed their passion through teaching this workshop to us. I could see their love for what they do as they helped us learn how to be better in the job market
Thank you for all the time and help you have given me
Unit 1 – 107 Osborne St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3L 1Y4
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