OVRC Client Success

The team at OVRC celebrates every client’s success - it is the reason we provide our services with positivity and compassion. Please take a few minutes to fill out a few questions that are required by our funder, Workforce Training and Employment Division / Economic Development and Jobs Department. The information on this form is secure and will be shared only with our funder. It is important that we collect this information as OVRC's funding is based on clients securing employment from using our services. Reporting your success allows OVRC to continue providing our valuable services to others in the future. Note: Required fields are fields that we must report to the funder.

OVRC and our funder also celebrates the success of a client taking the steps to upgrade their skills to be prepared for the future needs of our Labour Market. If you have made the choice to invest in your future please take the time to let us know where you have chosen to develop your skills and the program you are taking. This is for all levels of education and training. Taking the time to invest in yourself is important and we would like to celebrate that choice with you.

Please describe your success from OVRC:

Client Success - Employment
What company you are working at?
What is your job title?
Client Success - Further Education

Staff Members are available for in-person and virtual appointments. To book an appointment or workshop spot, please call 204-989-6503 or email ac.crvonull@ofni.

If you are a first time client and have not registered with us yet, please click HERE (Registration - Osborne Village Resource Centre (ovrc.ca)) to fill out our online registration form. After sending please call the Front Desk 204-989-6503 to book your appointment. We would love the opportunity to be your guide in navigating your path to meaningful employment.

Client Testimonial

Thank you for the wonderful amazing job did by completing my LinkedIn profile and as well adding potential employers. I will do as you suggested by liking and commenting on their posts. I super appreciate your genuine assistance, friendliness and effort to help me secure employment in the area of my studies.

Thank you so much for your great work today. Before I called the resource center, I was told by my professor there was someone who could help the newcomers write their resumes. Right now, after a wonderful experience this afternoon, I can say I received a priceless gift from you, the community and the government. In my country, there is a famous idiom: better teach a man how to fish than give him fish. You have already given me the best lesson for resume writing which I have never thought I could get. You are a great teacher, I will be grateful for that in my life. I wish I could tell you good news about my job search soon.

We’ve helped over 400 people find meaningful employment

Every year…for twenty five years

Ready to start?

Unit 1 – 107 Osborne St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3L 1Y4
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