Is it time for a career change? Are you unsure what direction to take? Sign up for the Career Exploration workshop! We will participate in activities that will identify our values, our skills, our attributes, our past occupational experiences, and our personality types. We will discover occupational research websites where we will evaluate occupations using our self-exploration inventory. The Career Exploration workshop is an excellent tool for defining career satisfaction. This workshop will provide you with the opportunity to take an inventory of your:

  • Skills, attributes and values
  • Past work/volunteer experience
  • Occupational interests
  • Work activities and environment
  • Personality type

You will also get the tools to research, and assess occupations using the information gathered from your inventory to ensure that your next chapter will be positive and rewarding!

What Clients Are Saying

  • My key takeaway from participating in job search program at the Osborne Village Resource Centre is synonymous to a situation where as a job seeker, I was in the midst of ocean with no compass or direction where I was sailing to. And with the right help and the tools, I ultimately discover a clear career path that leads my career journey to the destination I really want to be and with a clear focus and clarity.
  • I am very grateful for the career exploration workshop. I have been suffering and feeling lost for many years. This workshop has given me hope by helping me discover and understand what my true values are and how important they are to having a fulfilling and healthy work life, and by providing me steps on how to achieve them. Thank you again! I could not have done this on my own.
  • Importance of values for figuring occupation possibilities, how my interests, hobbies and skills can transfer to jobs.
  • I have a more clear view of my own values and skills, and how they would match up with career options.
  • How to dig deeper into myself and be open-minded about potential jobs that match my skills, values and attributes.
  • Have a better understanding of my wants and needs as well as more comfortable starting to look for a job.
  • Thank you for that amazing workshop!
  • It is a very good place to start a job search. Knowing oneself is a very good place to start. I wish they would do this program for kids in school!
  • I would recommend this workshop to those who are uncertain or unhappy with their current career path. Because I lived for a long time with no clarity or direction.
  • It’s enlightened and broadened my understanding of myself and how to utilize what I have.
  • It helps simplify things it’s not so scary anymore.
  • Yes, because it helps narrow down a dizzying array of options and focuses the search.
  • Yes, it furthers my knowledge of self in a manner tangibly relatable to career opportunities.
  • Anyone considering making a change in their career path would find this workshop extremely useful.

We’ve helped over 400 people find meaningful employment

Every year…for twenty five years

Ready to start?


Client Testimonial

I want to thank you for your invaluable guidance and support during our meeting yesterday. It was a pleasure to meet with you and benefit from your expertise.

Your insights into securing employment that aligns with my education and work experience were extremely helpful. I am grateful for your encouragement to build on my existing qualifications and certifications, rather than starting anew. Your advice on presenting my credentials in a way that local employers can relate to, as well as the resources and programs available for professional development and recognition, are immensely valuable.
I will certainly explore the links and training options you provided.

I genuinely appreciate your time, guidance, and generosity in sharing these resources. I will keep you updated on my progress and will not hesitate to reach out for further assistance or appointments.

Thank you once again for your support and valuable insights.
Unit 1 – 107 Osborne St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3L 1Y4
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